The use of ammonium nitrate in the garden when growing roses, strawberries and other crops

Most novice gardeners and summer residents on their plots resort to the use of various artificial fertilizers in order to achieve rapid growth of fruit trees, flowers, shrubs and other edible crops. Ammonium nitrate is often used as such a top dressing. Consider the basic rules of its use and the impact on plant development.

Fertilizer classification

Among all types of fertilizers, several groups can be conventionally distinguished. One group includes natural organic fertilizers: peat, manure, humus. Other types of fertilizers are inorganic additives, for example, ammonium nitrate, phosphates, nitrates. All types of fertilizers are intended mainly to accelerate plant growth, as well as to harvest high yields. Thanks to the school knowledge gained from biology lessons, everyone knows that over time, the soil that serves to grow any fruitful crops is depleted. To prevent this process, it is required to regularly feed the soil with various complex fertilizers intended for certain types of plants..

Ammonium nitrate is considered an inexpensive mineral fertilizer, therefore its use is widespread in the agricultural industry..

One of the main nutrients is nitrogen. It ensures the normal development of any vegetable or fruit crop. In the case of a lack of nitrogen content in the soil, the yield of plants is noticeably reduced. With excessive application of nitrogen components, the quality characteristics of the resulting crop deteriorate, which affects the shelf life of fruits and berries, their taste properties.

Over-saturation of the soil with nitrogen leads to prolonged growth of fruit trees in the fall. This primarily affects their frost resistance. The addition of phosphorus to the soil significantly improves the process of photosynthesis in plants. Thanks to him, the harvest begins to ripen faster, while maintaining the quality of agricultural crops. Potassium affects the acceleration of the development of various chemical elements that are directly in the plant, and improves the taste of ripe berries and vegetables.

To achieve high-quality and full-fledged growth and development of all fruitful crops in a garden plot or vegetable garden, it is necessary to maintain the correct balance of micronutrients in the soil..

Ammonium nitrate: characteristics and properties

Ammonium nitrate: characteristics and properties

One of the most commonly used fertilizers in horticultural activities is ammonium nitrate, which contains the main nutrient nitrogen, which is necessary for healthy plant growth. In appearance, ammonium nitrate resembles ordinary salt with a grayish or pinkish tint..

Nitrate granules in a crumbly form have the ability to absorb liquid, which gradually begins to cake and forms solid lumps of crystals. This property of nitrate affects the choice of the room in which it will be stored. It must be dry and well ventilated. Fertilizer is carefully packed in waterproof packaging.

Before adding ammonium nitrate to the soil for growing plants, the fertilizer must be crushed.

Often, some gardeners scatter saltpeter over the snow cover in winter, since it is able to saturate the soil with nitrogen even under such conditions. Thanks to this property, plants begin to actively grow and develop in the spring. However, it should be noted that the use of this type of fertilizer is required very carefully. For example, when saltpeter is added to podzolic soil, its acidity increases several times, which can negatively affect the cultivation of all plants on such a plot of soil..

Feeding strawberries

To get a high yield of strawberries every season, you need to regularly feed the soil. The plant is planted in pre-fed soil containing humus or compost. Young bushes of life do not need feeding with ammonium nitrate, since when the soil is oversaturated with nitrogen, there is a risk of berry rotting. Feeding activities are recommended only for two-year-old strawberry bushes. On a plot of 10 sq. about 100 g of saltpeter is introduced, which is evenly distributed inside the dug trenches to a depth of 10 cm and covered with a layer of earth. This depth is sufficient to fully retain nitrogen in the soil. For perennial plants, a mixture of mineral fertilizers should be added to the soil, which will consist of superphosphate, potassium chloride and ammonium nitrate.

One part of such a complex is added under the roots at the onset of spring, and the rest – at the end of fruiting.

Ammonium nitrate is also added to water during irrigation. For this, 20-30 grams of ammonium nitrate and 10 liters of water are mixed. Strawberry bushes are watered with a prepared solution from a watering can or a ladle. To avoid burns, water carefully to prevent this solution from getting on the leaves and berries. As a top dressing, you can add other complex fertilizers, which are used strictly according to the instructions in a certain ratio.

Fertilizing rose bushes with saltpeter

Fertilizing rose bushes with saltpeter

After the spring weather has stabilized and the night frosts and frosts have receded, you can start feeding the rose bushes with complex mineral fertilizers. Add 1 tablespoon to a bucket of water. ammonium nitrate, potassium salt and superphosphate. The prepared solution is evenly distributed in the flowerbed between the bushes. When the soil is saturated with inorganic fertilizers, root growth is activated after winter. A few weeks later, when the first shoots appear, plant feeding is repeated. To extend the flowering time of roses, it is necessary to feed the bushes with chicken droppings or manure with the addition of potassium nitrate. These activities are carried out only at the moment of bud formation, after which it is not recommended to do additional feeding of the plants. As soon as the first frosts begin in the fall, the bushes are trimmed at a distance of 20 cm from the ground, and then ammonium nitrate top dressing is added under the bush.

It is necessary to store ammonium nitrate with great care in order not to allow it to come into contact with foreign components, as there is a risk of spontaneous combustion..