Czym jest żuraw Mayevsky’ego i gdzie jest używany? Urządzenie jest zaworem iglicowym, który zapewnia możliwość szybkiego wycofania mieszanki parowo-powietrznej z grzejników i rurociągów systemu grzewczego. Usuwanie korków powietrza można wykonać zarówno ręcznie, jak i automatycznie, w zależności od konstrukcji żurawia..Najczęściej dźwig Mayevsky jest montowany w systemach grzewczych z wymuszonym obiegiem systemów dostarczania chłodziwa i ciepłej wody. Ponadto zaleca się instalację urządzenia w dowolnym zamkniętym obwodzie hydraulicznym, w którym istnieje możliwość zatkania powietrza..Do czego służy dźwig…

Zasada działania grzejnikowych systemów grzewczych Co może być prostszego niż schematy okablowania grzejników? Jest kocioł: na paliwo stałe, olej napędowy, gaz itp. Kocioł podgrzewa płyn chłodzący, który dostaje się tam pod działaniem pompy. Ogrzany płyn chłodzący trafia do systemu ogrzewania grzejników, w grzejnikach ciepło jest przekazywane do powietrza otoczenia. Płyn chłodzący stygnie i już schłodzony wraca ponownie do kotła, gdzie znów się nagrzewa i tak koło się zamyka. Wszystko jest bardzo, bardzo proste, ale w…

Scientists claim that the tradition of decorating a Christmas tree for the New Year came to us from our pagan past. There are many disputes and disputes on this score. But we, the descendants of those very pagans, by and large do not care where this tradition came from. The main thing is the warmth of the family hearth and such a bright symbol of the new branch of time. New Year is for many…

After the end of the Second World War, the phrase “Dove of Peace” gained popularity. In 1949, a congress of peace supporters was held in France, on the emblem of which Pablo Picasso depicted a dove with an olive branch. That is why on crafts for Victory Day you can often see a snow-white dove fluttering over the entire planet Earth. In this article you will learn how to make crafts for May 9 doves…

Shrovetide – Wide needlewoman! In our today’s article, we will tell you how to make various crafts for the Spring Maslenitsa holiday on your own.!You can make something really original and interesting not only from plain paper or plasticine, but also from the main dish of this holiday – pancakes! You can also make crafts from various scrap materials and unnecessary gizmos.!After reading this article, you will learn how to make crafts for Shrovetide with…

Each of us remembers the celebration of the New Year, especially a beautiful Christmas tree with toys, garlands, confetti and candles. In order not to buy a real Christmas tree or make some addition to it, there is the possibility of creating Hand Made decorations for the holiday from what is at hand. Such a craft will surely delight your loved ones and friends..DIY Christmas tree from magazine pages To create a New Year tree…

Plastic dishes are very popular today, because they become indispensable when a large number of guests arrive, picnics or hikes. For the first time, plastic glasses began to be made in the United States, and later plastic plates, spoons, forks and knives appeared, which are widely used around the world. Modern needlewomen have found another use for plastic forks: they learned how to make original crafts out of them. In this article, you will learn…

Practically in all educational institutions for the Day of Cosmonautics, various exhibitions of students’ crafts are held. Naturally, on the eve of this peak, many people have a question in their heads, what to make crafts for the day of astronautics from waste material. And especially for you, we have prepared the best ideas..Craft ideas from handy material for the Day of Cosmonautics Flying saucer made of plastic plates.Plastic plates are great material for creativity.…