For someone who wants to have a beautiful plant at home, but still does not know how to take care of indoor flowers, hibiscus is ideal. Despite its beauty, this plant is very unpretentious. It can easily withstand low light, and sudden temperature changes, and insidious drafts. It will not be lost even if you miss watering time. It is thanks to this unpretentiousness of it that hibiscus is often placed in offices, living rooms,…

Each type of orchid is magnificent in its own way and unique in beauty. Pafiopedilum in this matter is the absolute leader. Many flower lovers show a genuine interest in him. The appearance of this flower is unusual and even original. In shape, it resembles an ordinary small shoe. It is for this similarity that the plant received its second name – the Venus slipper.This fancy-looking flower feels great at home. Its flowering period can…

The family of noble orchids is one of the most numerous in terms of the number of species, varieties and hybrids. In nature alone, there are about 25 thousand species, and taking into account the fruitful work of breeders for many decades, the number of hybrid varieties already exceeds 20 million copies. Orchids are flowering plants that can grow in nature in almost any climate and in any territory except Antarctica. The beauty and unique…

Houseplants bring comfort to the house, giving us the joy of contemplating living beauty. In addition, they play another important, but invisible to the ordinary eye, role – the role of a home natural air purifier or filter that can dispose of dust, dirt and toxins..The leaves are used to filter the air. Dust, dirt and soot settle on their surface. Over time, the amount of substances deposited on the leaves increases and leads to…

A sárgarépa ritkítása hosszú, unalmas és kellemetlen feladat. Annak érdekében, hogy ne töltsön órákat a kerti ágyon a művelése során, tudnia kell, hogyan kell sárgarépát ültetni, amelyben a palánták egységesek, szépek lesznek.Sárgarépa ültetése maggal nyílt talajra, későbbi ritkítás nélkül A kertészek gyakorlatában számos lehetőség van a sárgarépa ültetésére:WC -papíron (a kerti növények vásárolt csíkjainak alternatívájaként);zselés leszállás;tél előtt (ez a lehetőség az őszi időszakra vonatkozik).A mag előkészítése A sárgarépamagokat kalibrálni kell, mielőtt velük dolgoznak. Sózzuk meg…

A burgonya betakarítása után a problémák nem érnek véget, mert a kérdés kezd zavarni: hogyan lehet spórolni a burgonyát a téli szezonban.Azok az emberek, akik magánházakban élnek, nem is gondolnak rá, mert mindegyiknek van pincéje vagy pincéje, de a lakások lakói nehezen viselkednek. Ezért ez a cikk sok tippet tartalmaz a burgonya megtakarításáról egy lakásban..Hogyan kell helyesen tárolni a burgonyát Tipp 1. Jól szárítsa meg A burgonyát jól meg kell szárítani. Annak érdekében, hogy a…

Zamioculcas is an unpretentious indoor plant popular among amateur flower growers, which is often used by professional designers for landscaping various premises. High decorativeness, undemanding conditions of keeping, resistance to pests, diseases and external factors – these are the main features and advantages of this culture, belonging to the Aroid family. For all its merits, the flower requires attention and care from its owners. You cannot miss the signal for help from the plant, you…

If one day, when inspecting your favorite plants, you notice an insect that looks like a flat aphid or a shell, then you know that you have a scabbard. Do not panic and immediately throw your favorite plant out of the house. You can still help him. But first you need to understand what a shield is and how it is harmful.The scabbard is a very serious enemy of the florist, especially the beginner. This…