A korai saláta, retek, zöldhagyma olyan növények, amelyek június elején adják az utolsó termést. Utánuk az ágyások szabadok maradnak, és felmerül a kérdés, hogy mi a jobb ültetni a felszabadult területeken. Természetesen vetheti őket oldalsó rátákkal, de vannak más lehetőségek is, amelyek további termést eredményezhetnek..Mit ültessünk a kiürített ágyásokbaBurgonya A korai és korai érésű burgonyafajtáknak a meleg évszak végére lesz idejük a termésük kedvében járni, ha például június elején a retek betakarítása után ültetjük. Az…
It belongs to the willow family and reaches a height of about 10 meters, with a trunk diameter of 0.75 meters. It has a smooth, air-reddening wood covered with a gray-green bark. Its thick, spreading branches are adorned with long, elliptical, dark green leaves. This tree begins to bloom in April, before the leaves open, and the flowering period lasts 10-13 days. It blooms with female and male flowers shaped like earrings. Fruiting in May…
The chestnut plant (Castanea) is a tree from the Beech family. The genus is known for its beautiful crown and many species of edible fruits that are very rich in nutrients. Chestnut wood is also valuable, suitable for various jobs..The genus of chestnut includes 14 species that live in different parts of the northern hemisphere. Sometimes the word “chestnut” refers to other plants. Among them are the chestnut seed (a representative of the legume family)…
Ez az Észak -Amerikában őshonos tűlevelű fa neve. A lucfenyő, mint a legtöbb tűlevelű, jól alkalmazkodik az árnyékban való élethez, és a szárazság nem jelent akadályt számára. A vályogos és homokos agyagos talajokon nő, maximális magassága eléri a 40 métert (művelt – 25), majdnem 100 évig él. Ezt a fát dugványokkal és magvakkal ültetheti..A lucfenyő nemzetség sok képviselőből áll, de az ezüstös halszálka a legvékonyabb és a legszebb az összes közül. Ezenkívül szerény, tökéletesen tolerálja…
If the gooseberry is a longtime inhabitant of the dacha, growing there since the time of your grandmother, who got hold of cuttings from her great-grandmother, then most likely you have encountered the problem of powdery mildew more than once. It manifests itself as a whitish bloom covering the leaves and stems, and unpleasant brown spots on the berries. The advantages of the old varieties include a wonderful taste and the absence of various modifications,…
Who doesn’t love flowers? Plant them in late autumn or early spring, after the first snow melts, and in the summer you will enjoy the aroma and beauty of various, multicolored flowers. For some, they simply serve as a decoration for a summer cottage, and for a summer resident, flowers are a faithful assistant in the fight against various pests. Nature has endowed plants with many properties useful for the garden. Among them there is…
Compost tea has long been used by farmers in Western countries, but in our country this remedy is still considered new and not very well known. It is used to renew the condition of the soil, as well as to improve the quality characteristics of the crop and increase the yield..You can make this tea yourself. This requires mature compost and regular water. The infusion can be prepared in two ways: by saturating it with…
Often, indoor plants are treated only as home decoration or medicinal raw materials, which are always at hand. In fact, home flora improves the microclimate, harmonizes the apartment space, and also works as an air purifier. It is in the power of our green roommates to neutralize toxins emitted by modern technology or furniture materials: synthetic coatings, fiberboard, chipboard … Add to this the negative from electromagnetic waves emitted by household appliances, the usual room…