This vegetable, which until recently was a real exotic for us, is advised to be consumed by many nutritionists. And for good reason. Broccoli is just a storehouse of vitamins, sugars, micro and macro elements. Its active substances help with kidney diseases and atherosclerosis, remove toxins and heavy metals, and also strengthen the body’s ability to resist the development of malignant neoplasms..Is it possible not to be interested in this culture? Let’s take a closer…
Sweet potatoes or sweet potatoes like to grow in warm conditions. The root part of the plant especially needs warmth. Since in the middle lane climatic conditions do not meet such requirements, we have to resort to new inventions and methods. To provide the required temperature for the sweet potato roots, you need to build a special bed and make a mulching layer of film. On such a bed, the soil will always be warmed,…
This method is ideal for many of our summer residents, whose land plot consists of only a few hundred square meters. After all, even in a small garden, you want to grow as much harvest as possible. To grow potatoes in trenches, you just need a relatively small area. But with proper care and favorable weather conditions, about a ton of potatoes can be harvested from one hundred square meters..An equally important point in this…
Green onions or onion feathers are not only tasty, but also very healthy. Many people grow such greens in their apartment. But today we will focus on such perennial bows as batun, slug and chives. These varieties of onions can also please in winter with their green feathers, which, in terms of taste and composition, are much superior to the green onions we are used to..Preparing for planting green onions To distill greens from perennial…
At first glance, growing potatoes is not difficult at all. But to obtain a plentiful and high-quality harvest, there must be suitable weather conditions, the required amount of nutrients in the soil, high-quality seeds and the absence of diseases and pests. In order for this unpretentious vegetable crop to delight gardeners every year with its delicious fruits, it is necessary to take advantage of foreign experience and try to grow potatoes using Dutch technology..The best…
The homeland of pineapple is the tropics. This light-loving and drought-tolerant plant belongs to the bromeliad family. In Russia, pineapple appeared during the reign of Catherine the Great and was grown mainly in greenhouses. But even in an ordinary apartment, you can successfully grow pineapple. Although this is not quite an easy task, it is quite within the power of both experienced and novice flower growers..Selection and preparation of planting materialLet’s start with the choice…
House flowers are beautiful, pleasant to look at, and beneficial to mental and physical health. When, along with geraniums and saintpaulias, various seasonings grow in the house, then this is very good! And many even grow tomatoes and cucumbers in pots on windowsills. This article provides information on rosemary – a spice that is as healthy as it is beautiful. Besides the fact that rosemary has a pleasant spicy aroma, it also has many therapeutic…
A szobanövények nem képesek ugyanolyan mennyiségű tápanyagot felvenni a környezetből, mint az őrölt virágok és cserjék. A cserépben lévő talaj elég gyorsan kimerül, ezért az egészséges növekedéshez az ilyen növények speciális műtrágya – ásványi vagy szerves – rendszeres kijuttatását igénylik. Az alkalmazás ütemezése és a kompozíció megválasztása az adott virág jellemzőitől és preferenciáitól függ..Beltéri virágok felső öltözködése Az etetés időzítésének és a készítmény adagolásának helyes megválasztása lehetővé teszi a cserépben lévő növény jó fejlődését, valamint…