Calamondin: growing at home

Citrus indoor plants are valued for their decorative properties and unpretentiousness. If you want to surprise those around you with an original plant, then you will like citrofortunella. Growing calamondin at home – this is an exciting activity, because you can not only see a beautiful plant, but also taste its fruits.

How to grow calamondin properly?

Citrofortunella is a miniature tree with bright, tangerine-like fruits. You can grow it at home, and with proper care, calamondin will bloom and bear fruit all year round. Despite the fact that the plant is frost-resistant, the optimal temperature conditions for it will be in the range from 15 to 25 degrees.

Citrofortunella is a miniature tree with bright, tangerine-like fruits. You can grow it at home, and with proper care, calamondin will bloom and bear fruit all year round. HPhoto of calamondin

It is important not only to properly plant and care for calamondin, but also to find a suitable place on the windowsill. It turns out that this tree does not like direct sunlight, so choose a room with bright, but diffused light..

When caring for calamondin, keep in mind that the tree loves moisture, so it must not only be watered, but also sprayed. Watering is carried out every time the top layer of the earth has dried up. In winter, the volume of irrigation is reduced, in summer, it is increased. Try to use warm, chlorine-free water to keep citrofortunella from getting sick.

and spray. Watering is carried out every time the top layer of the earth has dried up. In winter, the volume of irrigation is reduced, in summer, it is increased. Try to use warm, chlorine-free water to keep citrofortunella from getting sickPhoto of citrofortunella lemon

When planting Calamondin, do not forget to drain it so that moisture does not stagnate and the roots do not rot. Fertilizers are applied a couple of times a month. It is especially important to fertilize the tree during the flowering period. Keep in mind that citrus fruits like not only root, but also foliar feeding..

Reproduction and transplantation of calamondin

Young plants are recommended to be replanted annually in the spring, as calamondin loves spacious pots. When the tree is already several years old, it will be possible to transplant it once every three years..

Read the article: Growing greenery on a windowsill in winter

You can buy potting soil from a citrus plant or make your own. To do this, take sand, manure and sod land in a ratio of 14: 1: 2. Drainage is laid at the bottom of the pot. If you want calamondin to bloom profusely, in spring you need to prune young shoots from the crown.

You can buy potting soil from a citrus plant or make your own. To do this, take sand, manure and sod land in a ratio of 14: 1: 2

Reproduction of calamondin when grown at home can be carried out by cuttings or seeds. In springtime, take a tree stalk, plant it in the sand, and cover with a cut plastic bottle for a greenhouse effect. Calamondin does not take root well, so it is better to buy phytohormones right away for the normal development of a young plant..

If you like calamondin, then growing this plant at home will not be difficult. It is enough to carry out the landing correctly, find a suitable place and water it on time. In the near future you will be able not only to enjoy the beautiful flowering of the tree, but also to taste its first fruits. With your own hands, you will be able to create an exotic green corner in your own apartment with minimal costs.