Calendula: Grow from seed when to plant. Advice

Calendula is a herb that grows in almost any home garden. The homeland of calendula or “marigold” is Asia, Central and Southern Europe. If you want to plant this amazing flower on your own plot, you need to know, when to plant calendula, features of growing from seeds.

How to grow calendula from seeds

In appearance, the calendula resembles a chamomile, but it is distinguished by a bright orange or yellow color. This flower is annual, so if you don’t harvest the seeds in time, they will be scattered throughout the site. The next year, flowers will sprout chaotically throughout the garden. Sow calendula seeds in spring or fall. If you decide to plant in April or May, then check the ground for moisture. To do this, a clod of earth is thrown from a height of one meter, while it must completely crumble. It is best to fertilize the earth with humus and dig it up. To improve the fertility of the earth, potassium phosphate, superphosphate and urea are added to it..

In appearance, calendula resembles a chamomile, but it is distinguished by a bright orange or yellow color. This flower is annual, so if you don't harvest the seeds in time, they will be scattered throughout the site. The next year, flowers will sprout chaotically throughout the garden.

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You can plant calendula according to the design of the flower bed or in the beds. Dig grooves about 2 cm deep, no more, otherwise you will reduce seed germination. Leave a distance of about 30 cm between the rows.With proper planting, you will observe partial germination of seeds after a week, and the remaining seedlings will appear in another week.

Growing seedlings of calendula

Sowing calendula seeds outdoors is much easier than growing seedlings, however, the latter method is more effective. Sowing seeds for calendula seedlings should be done a little earlier, around early or mid-March. For this you will need boxes or pots. The soil can be used purchased for flowering plants or ordinary, adding humus and nutrients to it. Calendula pots should be kept in a greenhouse or room where the air temperature does not drop below +15 degrees. When the plant is slightly stronger, it can be planted in open ground. Calendula is ready for transplant when about 6 leaves appear on it.

Sowing seeds for calendula seedlings should be done a little earlier, around the beginning or middle of March. For this you will need boxes or pots. The soil can be used purchased for flowering plants or ordinary, adding humus and nutrients to it

Although calendula is a light-loving flower, it does not tolerate heat and drought well. An improperly selected place will lead to the fact that the flowers of calendula will be small, and the flowering period is quite short. It is best to choose a corner in the country in the shade for planting this bright flower.

How to care for calendula? Loosen the soil regularly and monitor the moisture content. Calendula does not like drought, so in hot summer it will have to be watered about three times a week. Buds that have already bloomed need to be plucked immediately in order to extend the flowering period. It is not necessary to throw them away, you can dry them and use them as a medicine..

Powdery mildew or spotting are common diseases of calendula. It is possible to prevent their appearance if the plant is sprayed with special solutions before flowering..

The benefits of calendula in the country

Many people believe that calendula is used only for medicinal purposes, so they plant it in small quantities in a flower bed. In fact, calendula can be a real savior of onions, garlic and asters. It turns out that this flower is capable of attracting insects that benefit other crops..

Many people believe that calendula is used only for medicinal purposes, so they plant it in small quantities in a flower bed.

With its amazing aroma, calendula scares away aphids and midges, and some summer residents believe that it is able to ward off the Colorado potato beetle. If you plant calendula next to the asters, you will be able to preserve the flowers, protecting them from the “black leg”. While calendula has many benefits, keep in mind that it can self-propagate and fill most of the plot. Collect calendula seeds in time to sow it in the place where it is convenient for you.

While calendula has many benefits, keep in mind that it can self-propagate and fill most of the plot. Collect calendula seeds in time to sow it wherever you like.

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We hope that our article on how and when to plant calendula in the country with your own hands was useful. Different flowering plants will not only decorate the flower bed, but also benefit other crops..