Hydroaccumulator device for water supply systems

Nowadays, it is possible to make a water supply system in every private house, this of course will require financial investments, but the convenience is obvious. Today on the site with our hands we will talk about such a necessary thing as a hydraulic accumulator for water supply systems: what is it, the principle of operation and purpose.

Hydraulic accumulator for water supply systems device and principle of operation:

  1. Accumulation of the required supply of water;
  2. Extinguishing, damping water hammer, which can ruin and permanently disable the entire system;
  3. Creation of the required pressure, with the hydraulic pump off, for the use of water for household needs.

Hydraulic accumulator for water supply systems device and principle of operation:

A hydraulic accumulator for water supply systems is a kind of container, divided into two sections by a soft elastic membrane. Air or gas is pumped into one part to a working pressure of 1.5-2 bar, a liquid is supplied to the other section, in our case, water. Water is supplied to the accumulator to a predetermined value (see the characteristics of the hydroaccumulator), and then the automatic system is triggered and the water supply is stopped. Our accumulator is full of water, but air starts to press on it through the elastic membrane, pressure is created, and now, when water is consumed, thanks to the air pressure in your hydraulic system, there will be no unpleasant moments. It is necessary to supply water to the sanitary room on the 2nd floor – please, you need to wash the car with a hose – easy! And this is all with the pump off and without the direct participation of electricity!

When buying a hydraulic accumulator for water supply, it is important to take into account the required volume of fluid consumed

When buying a hydraulic accumulator for water supply, it is important to take into account the required volume of fluid consumed and select a unit of the appropriate capacity. And in order to calculate the required value, use the formula:

(distance in m from the upper to the lower water supply point + 6) / 10

For example: a two-story house with a basement, where the accumulator is located, has a height of 8 m:

(8 + 6) / 10 = 1.4 atm

The air pressure must be at least this value, otherwise it will not be possible to supply water to the second floor without connecting the pump. And if you overestimate the working pressure, you will face another problem – the hydraulic tank will not be able to fill the required amount of water!

So, on average, for a family of 4 people, when using the bathroom, bath, kitchen and even for watering the garden, a 100-liter hydroaccumulator will be sufficient. If only two people live in the house, a volume of 50 liters will be sufficient.

After assembling the unit, you must make sure that not only the entire system is in good working order, but also that the required air pressure inside is obtained.

After assembling the unit, you must make sure that not only the entire system is in good working order, but also that the required air pressure inside the accumulator itself for water supply systems is obtained. For this, a pressure gauge is provided in the installation kit. If necessary, you can always pump up the required pressure with a regular pump from a bicycle!

By the way, it is also advisable to periodically check the working pressure in the accumulator, and also sometimes release excess air (air plugs) that form in the water part of the accumulator. For this, special pipes and valves are made in the upper part of the unit..

During installation and initial start-up of the unit, all safety rules must be observed.

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