vytynanka dog for new year

Each person has the opportunity to plunge into a special exciting atmosphere before the New Year. Preparing for the most important celebration takes a lot of our time. In this case, we go to the nearest stores in order to pick up good gifts for family and friends. We also go to the shops in order to choose a beautiful outfit for celebrating the holiday. In addition to these troubles, it is necessary to draw up a menu and purchase the necessary products. Well, when there is time left, then you can get creative. For example, you can decorate the tree with tinsel and make crafts. And you can also make vytynanka for the New Year 2018. And in this article we will present templates for you.

What are these products

Of course, in our article you can see samples of special pictures for windows. But first of all, it should be said that without these elements, the home atmosphere of the holiday will look incomplete. Vytynanki, which have quirky patterns and shapes, are able to fill your home with a fabulous atmosphere. Vytynanki are figures that resemble silhouettes. These figures are cut out not only from snow-white paper, but also from colored paper. A sheet of cardboard, which has a not very high density, will also work..

If you cut out a lot of figures from paper and combine them all together, you get a beautiful composition. Such compositions can consist of beautiful houses, heroes of a fairy tale, as well as Christmas trees. In general, here you should rely on your imagination to do as you like. Vytynaks can be attached not only to window panes. You can also attach these products to the surface of the cabinet with a mirror. If you show a little savvy, then several asymmetrical figures can be connected together in order to form a three-dimensional figure. Such three-dimensional figures are usually attached to a chandelier in a room. You shouldn’t think that making vytynanki is a complicated process. Believe me, it’s very simple. Therefore, invite your loved ones to this lesson and create something bright together.

Vytynanka and how to make it

Vytynanka for the New Year is easy to print if you read our article to the end and see their samples. It doesn’t take much time to make this craft. In addition, this process does not require any special skills. To create a craft, you need patience and the following list of tools:

  • Scissors that have pointed tips.
  • Office Printing Paper.
  • A piece of plywood or a cutting board.
  • Glue, tweezers and double-sided tape.

A paper product for the New Year’s theme is made in several stages:

  1. The pictures below must be downloaded and saved on your computer. The cutouts are then printed on paper.
  2. The drawing is cut out with scissors using neat movements. If you come across complex drawings, then proceed as follows. First of all, it is worth shading those elements that need to be cut. The work uses an ordinary simple pencil. If the details are thin, then a breadboard knife is used in the work. When cutting, a plank is placed under the sheet. As a result of such actions, your table will not be scratched. After all the work has been done, the details will be removed from the cast with tweezers.
  3. A worthy place on your window can be occupied by a vytynanka dog for the New Year, which you can see in this article. But still it is worth returning to the process of creating a vytynanka. The next step is to think over the arrangement of the elements on your panel. In order to make a beautiful composition, the figures are first placed on a glass or mirror. In order to glue the figures to glass or to a mirror, you must use a soap-based solution. This solution is applied with a brush to the vytynanka. Paper crafts are glued to wood surfaces using double-sided tape. And if, after removing the protruding hole, sticky marks remain on the surface, then remove them with an anti-glue spray..
  4. In order to make beautiful vytynanka, you must first get the hang of it. You need to start improving your skills with simple products. After that, you can start making more complex figures. Volumetric protrusions will perfectly decorate the window sills in the house. You can also decorate with them: Christmas trees, cornices, as well as window openings.

Vytynanka for the New Year 2018

Now we will present for you templates for the New Year’s vytynanka for printing. These templates can be easily cut and decorate the spaces that you want..

vytynanka for new year 2018 templates

vytynanka for new year 2018 templates

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vytynanka for the new year print

vytynanka for the new year print

vytynanka for new year 2018 templates vytynanka for new year 2018 templates

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vytynanka dog for new year

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vytynanka for the new year print

vytynanka for the new year print

vytynanka for the new year print

vytynanka for new year 2018 templates