Snowflakes made of felt. Master class, photo, patterns

In the winter season, parents and children are engaged in cutting paper snowflakes. Thanks to the advent of new materials, snowflakes today can be cut not only from paper, but also from felt. This fabric is easy to work with, as it is easy to cut and does not require additional processing of the edges. DIY felt snowflakes can be used for interior decoration, as well as for making garlands. Today, you can even find sets of felt snowflakes on sale, which are packed in a beautiful box. Don’t waste your money, try to make these decor items yourself.

DIY felt snowflakes. Patterns

Felt snowflakes can be of absolutely any shape. You can use patterns and patterns of ordinary paper snowflakes, transfer them to felt and carefully cut with scissors.

Felt snowflakes can be of absolutely any shape. You can use patterns and patterns of ordinary paper snowflakes, transfer them to felt and carefully cut with scissors.

pattern for snowflakesPattern for the contour of snowflakes made of felt

openwork felt snowflakes with a clear geometric shape

large and small snowflakes can be cut not only from paper, but also from feltPatterns for felt snowflakes

To make the snowflakes original, try embroidering them on top. Stitches can be done on a sewing machine or even by hand.

To make the snowflakes original, try embroidering them on top. The stitches can be done on a sewing machine or even by hand.

You can watch photos of felt snowflakes or use a step-by-step master class.

In order for the snowflake to turn out beautiful, you will need to remember the basics of geometry or drawing.

In order for the snowflake to turn out beautiful, you will need to remember the basics of geometry or drawing. Take a compass and draw two circles on the red and white felt. You can choose any color scheme for your snowflakes, for example, combinations of blue and white, pink and white or gold.

Master Class. Felt snowflake

Take a compass and draw two circles on the red and white felt. You can choose any color scheme for your snowflakes, for example, combinations of blue and white, pink and white or gold.

After that, you will need to divide the circle into 6 equal sectors, and then draw an equilateral triangle in the center. This can be done by measuring an equal distance on each face. Sew two circles along the markings, and then just get creative and draw a diagram of the future snowflake.

After that, you will need to divide the circle into 6 equal sectors, and then draw an equilateral triangle in the center. This can be done by measuring an equal distance on each face. Sew two circles along the markings, and then just get creative and draw a diagram of the future snowflake.

It remains only to cut the craft. You can get a graceful thin snowflake, or vice versa, large and massive. To make a garland of snowflakes, try cutting the shapes using the same pattern, but from different colored felt. You can also present as a gift to someone a set of do-it-yourself snowflakes that will look beautiful in the interior of a children’s room.

It remains only to cut the craft. You can get a graceful thin snowflake, or vice versa, large and massive. To make a garland of snowflakes, try cutting the shapes using the same pattern, but from different colored felt. You can also present as a gift to someone a set of snowflakes with your own hands, which will look beautiful in the interior of the children's room.Felt garland

As you can see, cutting snowflakes from felt is quite simple. The most important thing is to decide on the pattern. To do this, you can try your own knowledge in geometry or use ready-made examples of the work of experienced needlewomen.

Snowflakes made of felt. Photo

cut snowflakes from felt with scissors and give to your loved ones

do-it-yourself felt snowflakes

handmade felt snowflakes

felt snowflake ideas